1. "Free Speech Under Attack" And most of the self-appointed defenders are notably absent.
Representative Sample: where is Barack Obama? He was quick to publicly object to what he saw as the violation of the rights of a Harvard professor who was involved in a dispute with the local police. He has been quick to defend the religious freedom of Imam Rauf to build a large mosque 500 feet from the World Trade site. When is he going to speak up for the right of people like Molly Norris to simply go on living, free from violent intimidation, while exercising their free-expression rights as American citizens?
2. "Taxpayers Paid At Least $9 Million for Signs Promoting Obama's Economic Stimulus" Maybe he was trying to stimulate the sign industry.
Representative Sample: Most of the signs read, “Putting America to Work,” and they include the ARRA emblem along with the Recovery.gov Web address. While the Obama administration contends the signs provide transparency, Republicans believe the signs amount to taxpayer-subsidized propaganda.
3. "Dabblers" Some "dabbling" is just more newsworthy than other dabbling. Don't forget, there's a long list of things that are ok or just not important as long as they are done by Democrats.
Representative Sample: Liberals let their people get away with murder. Conservatives crucify their own as soon as they hear RUMORS of peccadilloes. Is it unreasonable to consider charting a course between those two extremes?
4. "Zero tolerance stupidity strikes again" Teaching kids the wrong lessons along with being completely idiotic.
Representative Sample: Instead of teaching children the value of proportional response to incidents, these administrators are teaching them that the nuclear option works in every case. Instead of teaching them to think in every situation, these schools teach them that no matter what the circumstances, one course of action is appropriate every single time.
5. "Funny Stuff: Criminals For Gun Control" Support your local criminal by voting for politicians who support gun control.
Representative Sample: It's a video.
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