Friday, February 12, 2010

HOT5 Daily 2/12/2010

1. "Another Approach to Iran" I'm not wild about this approach, but it can't be any less successful than Obama's empty talk. 

Representative Sample: While the Obami fritter away time, dreaming up new excuses to do nothing on Iran, more responsible officials are moving forward. Today, Sens. John Cornyn, R-Texas and Sam Brownback, R-Kansas announced legislation to support the Iranian opposition’s efforts to take down the regime of Ali Hoseyni Khamenei and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

2. "Obesity A National Security Issue?" There's no area of life which isn't an issue for the government -- if you are a Democrat.

Representative Sample: Michelle Obama has taken on the issue of childhood obesity and while this is certainly an issue that effects many children one has to wonder where it becomes an issue for the government. What children eat and how they are fed is a matter for parents, not the nannies in government.

3. "Do religions really prevent crime?" Apparently not, since we've always had both religion and crime.

Representative Sample:The religious claims of heavenly surveillance cameras are in real life generally accepted only by those who would follow the rules anyway and even part of them they will occasionally forget this thing in moments of passion or fury.

4. "Obama: “fierce advocate” for the free market" He's not just incompetent, he's delusional too.

Representative Sample:Takeovers of the financial, banking, and automotive sectors – and proposing a takeover of the healthcare industry – which would amount to the government controlling over 50% of the economy, and he considers himself a “fierce advocate for the free market?

5. "Putin Orders Obama Not to Defend America" Is more appeasement on the way?

Representative Sample:Is Barack Obama prepared to walk away from an equally bad deal with Vladimir Putin? I worry that he is so desperate for a treaty that he'll accept any treaty, even a bad one, rather than finish his term empty handed.

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